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Can The Ninja Blender Be Used As A Juicer – [ Best 4 Steps ]

If you’re one of those who love to add fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Then a juicer is an essential item for you. But why spend so much on buying a dedicated juicer? When you already have a powerful blender at home? That’s right – we are talking about the Ninja Blender! A powerful kitchen tool that not only helps with making blending smoothies and shakes. But may also be utilized to create excellent juice from uncooked foods. In this blog post, we will discuss if the ninja blender be used as a juicer or if it doesn’t cut it. Read ahead as we explore all facets of how the Ninja Blender performs in comparison. It is to a conventional juicer efficiency, budget-friendliness, convenience, and more!

Can you juice with a ninja blender?

Can you juice with a ninja blender

Yes, you can juice with a Ninja Blender Be Used As A Juicer. The Ninja Blender is designed to be a powerful kitchen tool for making smoothies, shakes, and other beverages. With its incisive blades and strong motor. It can quickly produce fresh juice. The results may not be as fine as a traditional juicer. So you may need to strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or nut milk bag. It is also important to note that the Ninja Blender may not be able to juice dense fruits and vegetables. Such as carrots and apples. As well as a standard juicer can. It is still a fantastic substitute for producing fresh fruit. It is vegetable juices without needing to buy a separate electric juicer. Ninja Blender also grinds coffee with special service.

ninja juicing directions

ninja juicing directions

With a Ninja Blender Be Used As A Juicer is actually quite simple. First, you need to assemble the blender and add your ingredients to the blender pitcher. Then, you will need to pulse the blender on low speed until it is chopped into small pieces. After that, you can increase the speed to high and blend. The ingredients until they are completely liquified. Finally, you will need to pour the juice through a strainer or cheesecloth to remove any pulp and solids. Using these basic actions. Fresh juice how long it last will be available to you in no time.

1. Gather and Prep Your Raw Ingredients

-Before you start juicing with your Ninja Blender.

-it is important to first gather and prep all your desired raw ingredients.

-This means washing the fruits and vegetables that you plan to juice.

-Peeling citrus fruits if necessary, and cutting them into small pieces.

-Doing this will ensure that your blender will be able to break down the ingredients more.

-It is also important to note that the Ninja Blender works best with softer fruits and vegetables.

-So make sure to choose fruits and vegetables that are ripe. 

-Once your ingredients are gathered and prepped. You can then get to blending!

2. Add to Your Ninja Blender

-Once your ingredients are prepped. You will need to add them to your Ninja Blender.

-Depending on the size of your blender pitcher,

-You may need to blend the ingredients in two or more batches.

-Once all the ingredients add,

-You can place the lid on the blender and start blending.

-You may need to use the Blender setting for a smoothie at first to break down the ingredients,

-Then you can use a higher speed setting to liquefy the juice.

-It is important to remember to use a spatula to scrape down. The sides of the blender between blending sessions.

-This will guarantee that every component combine.

3. Blend!

  • Once all your ingredients add to the Ninja Blender.
  • It’s time to start blending! Make sure to start with a low-speed setting and increase the speed as you blend.
  • Be sure to use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the blender between blending sessions.
  • You will know that your juice is ready when all the ingredients are completely liquified. There are no chunks of fruits or vegetables left.
  • If you find that your juice is too thick. To thin it out, you can add a little extra water or juice.
  • Once your juice is ready. You can pour it into glasses and enjoy!
  • With the Ninja Blender. You can make delicious and nutritious juices in no time.


4. Strain

  • Once your juice has blended. You will need to strain it before you serve.
  • To do this, you will need to place a strainer or cheesecloth over a pitcher or bowl and pour the juice through.
  • This will assist in eliminating any pulp and solids. That may leave in the juice.
  • You can pour the juice into glasses and enjoy!
  • With the help of a Ninja Blender. You can make fresh and delicious juices in no time. Enjoy!


That’s it! With these simple steps. You can make delicious and nutritious juices with your Ninja Blender.

Enjoy! Cheers!

The Benefits of Using a Blender for Juicing

The Benefits of Using a Blender for Juicing

01. Using a Ninja Blender Be Used As A Juicer to make juice is fast and convenient. How to acquire your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

2. Blenders are able to break down raw fruits and vegetables more than other methods. Meaning that your juice is ready in no time. 

3. Also, you don’t have to worry about straining your juice after blending. As the ingredients will already liquify.

4. Because the Ninja Blender is able to break down ingredients. You can make larger batches of juice in no time.

5. Finally, using a blender for juicing is a great way to reduce waste. As you won’t have to throw away any leftover pulp or solids.

Using a Ninja blender for juicing is cheap. It is a convenient alternative to purchasing a dedicated electric juicer. if you are aware of its limits. The Ninja blender can provide you with delicious and nutritious juices in no time. With its powerful motor and sharp Ninja blender blades. It can break down fruits and vegetables into a smooth, juicy liquid. Plus, its ease of use, affordability, and waste-reducing capabilities make. It is an ideal choice for those looking to make their own juice. So, go ahead and give the Ninja blender a try. You won’t regret it! Enjoy! Cheers!

Final ThoughtNinja Blender Be Used As A Juicer

The Ninja Blender Be Used As A Juicer is a great option for those looking to make their own juice. With its powerful motor and sharp blades. It can break down fruits and vegetables into a smooth, juicy liquid. With its ease of use, affordability, and waste-reducing ninja blender capabilities. The Ninja Blender makes juicing an effortless task. Hence, if you’re prepared to begin creating flavorful ninja blender homemade juices. Without spending too much money or time on equipment setup. Give the Ninja Blender a try! You won’t regret it! Cheers!

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